Registration and timeline
Registration and timeline
This is the timeline for the CALPIU'12 conference
May 1, 2011: Deadline for panel proposals
August 16, 2011: Deadline for abstract submission
October 20, 2011: Editorial decision on abstracts
The conference committee has decided to open the conference to non-presenters.
We have a maximum of 30 places available.
If you would like to register, please write to to receive the link to the online registration website.
Conference fee:
Early registration (paid before January 5, 2012): DKK 2,500.
After January 5, 2012: DKK 3,000.
After March 1, 2012: DKK 3,500
The conference fee includes conference materials, three lunches (Monday through Wednesday) and two dinners (Monday and Tuesday), as well as coffee buffets in breaks during the conference (but not beverages with meals). The listed price does not include accommodation.
Please note that presenters are required to register by January 5, 2012, at the latest to ensure their place in the conference programme.
The final deadline for registering for the conference is March 15, 2012, provided that places are still available by then.
Please note that we can only refund your payment if you cancel before January 25, 2012.