Field of Practice 4

  1. The CALPIU data storehouse

Janus Mortensen, Spencer Hazel and Anne Fabricius, Roskilde University, Denmark and Johannes Wagner, Syddansk Universitet Kolding, Denmark

(This project is also listed under fields of practice: 1, 2, 3)

  1. Interactional competence in the institutional setting of the international university: talk and embodied action as multimodal assets in conversational turn-design

Spencer Hazel, Roskilde University, Denmark

  1. Processes of inclusion and exclusion among students at RUC

Louise Tranekjær, Roskilde University, Denmark

  1. Language hierarchies in the international university - the status of German

Petra Daryai-Hansen, Roskilde University, Denmark

(This project is also listed under fields of practice: 1, 2, 3)

  1. Sojourners’ adaptation into Chinese universities’ intercultural management system: a case study

Hu Xiaoqiong,

(This project is also listed under field of practice: 2)


Student-administrative staff interactions